Goa receives over 125 inches of rainfall annually mainly through the months of June to September. This casts a huge responsibility on every mining company to ensure that surface run offs from the mine and ore heaps, waste dumps and ore stacks do not run off into the local drains, streams, fields etc.

At V.G.Quenim (Sonshi Mines) this responsibility task is met by meticulously planned drainage systems which divert entire rain water into mining pits, settling ponds before over flowing into the Sonshi Rivulet thereby surface run offs are arrested within the mine itself.

This task is also aided by use of Geo-textile materials to cover waste dumps as well as underground large diameter pipelines ( (17"-18" dia) to convey water underground rather than let it flow along the surface.

During the dry season (October to May) the mine produces most of its ores from below water table, water is continuously produced/pumped as a by-product alongwith the ore. This water carries suspended solids that are settled before releasing this water into Sonshi Rivulet. This task is aided by use of flocculents and a clever system of settling tanks.

For last 18 years the water pumped out at Sonshi Mine is supplied to 22 local Horticulture gardens at Chirevhal and Talekhasbag in neighbouring Soliye village and due to the availability of water these gardens have more than doubled the size of plantation of mainly Arecanut Palms alongwith Banana, Coconut Palms and Spices comprising (space) V.G.Quenim

Ore produced in the North Goa mining belt comprisingV. G. Quenim Sonshi Mine is hauled by road to the river side plots along the northern bank of the river Mandovi where it is loaded into barges and shipped to the Panaji/Mormugao port.

Ethical Business Practices

Nothing is more important to us than our reputation for honesty and integrity in business. We have a number of policies to address specific issues which match best business practice in these areas and we also expect our staff to observe the spirit as well as the letter of these policies in their day-to-day dealings.

Within the framework of the Corporate Responsibility strategy defined by V.G.QUENIM and especially its community engagement guidelines, V.G.QUENIM focuses on the communities surrounding its Mines and to concentrate efforts and to better identify specific priority needs where needed. Through the priority fields of Education, Health, Safety and Social Promotion, we strive to ensure the economic wellbeing of these communities.

Given the industry we're in, one of our most important priorities is Health and Safety and this is high on the agenda at every Management meeting.

Sustainability is thus a key word for V.G.QUENIM.

Its actions are aligned with V.G.QUENIM's core values of Sustainability, Quality and Leadership. Dedication to the development and well-being of the communities in which V.G.QUENIM operates is one of the best guarantees of our Corporate Responsibility